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  1. Collapse Details
    Hidition NT6/NT6 Pro - кастомные многодрайверы из Кореи 
    94851 (0)
    По умолчанию
    Компания Hidition Co из Южной Кореи (Сеул) выпускает целую линейку кастомных внутриушных мониторов стоимостью от 190 до 1250 долларов. Но нас, разумеется, интересуют исключительно две топовые модели.

    New Tears 6

    Спецификация: 6 драйверов, 4-полосный кроссовер, 3 звуковода.
    Корпус - акриловый, возможна установка силиконовых носиков (+$50).
    Звуковой почерк: нейтральный.
    Тема на хедфае: http://www.head-fi.org/t/589208/hidi...mate-reference
    Цена - $1200.

    New Tears 6-PRO

    Спецификация: 6 драйверов, 5-полосный кроссовер, 3 звуковода.
    Корпус - акриловый, возможна установка силиконовых носиков (+$50).
    Звуковой почерк: басы и высокие частоты приподняты.
    Цена - $1250.

    Как выбрать из двух моделей?

    1. Вот что пишет производитель об отличиях между ними:

    NT6 has a tendency to be delicate, soft, comfortable environment to listener.(4-way)

    NT6-PRO has a tendency to be provides enhanced bass and detailed treble more than NT6(5-way).

    NT6-PRO was emphasized on Extreme bass and Extreme treble.(a little)

    But two models are best of best in IEMS.
    2. Вот что пишет Average_Joe в сравнительном обзоре:

    The NT-6 and pro are torn from the same cloth as they share many characteristics and some songs you will be hard pressed to hear a large difference. Those songs are the ones with low levels of bass and treble that doesn’t extend too far, not to mention not the largest soundstage. But, there are differences. The NT-6 is the reference with a pretty neutral bass and treble combined with a balance in the midrange making for a presentation that doesn’t push any one portion of the spectrum forward. The pro, on the other hand, enhances the bass and treble region and also has a more 3D space. The good due to the treble is much of the treble is brought forward, improving upon the super clear NT-6, but the negative is the tone can sound a bit off in comparison as you know the treble is being enhanced. I gave the NT-6 the highest marks for clarity, but the pro steals that honor from the NT-6.

    In the bass region, the bass enhancement is slightly noticeable with light and background bass tracks, but when a heavy bass line kicks in, the pro kicks it up several notches. Since the pro is enhanced, the bass isn’t quite as clean as that of the neutral NT-6 which is due to the additional rumble. The midrange of the pro is a slight bit further back, but then there is more depth of the soundstage space, allowing the NT-6 to present vocals a bit closer and more personal while the imaging of the pro is improved over the NT-6.

    As one would expect, technically these two are quite close with the pro having a bit better transparency due to the more 3D soundstage, but the midrange and treble of the NT-6 sounding slightly more natural. Detail and resolution is ever so slightly higher on the pro and due to the boost in the treble, the coherence isn’t quite what it is with the NT-6. Dynamics, speed, and note attack/decay are the same.

    Both the NT-6 and the pro version offer an extremely high technical performance with an analytical yet musical performance in different flavors. The NT-6 is excellent as a reference monitor, something you want when you want to hear all the details with great clarity but don’t want enhancements in the bass region. The pro turns the reference into a more exciting and even clearer sound with a bass and treble boost and a bit more depth to the soundstage with a slightly less forward midrange.
    3. Графики АЧХ:


    Вложение 39694

    NT6 Pro:

    Вложение 39695
    Последний раз редактировалось Frost'IK; 03.07.2012 в 10:22.
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  2. Следующие 6 пользователей сказали Спасибо за этот полезный пост

    Aeg1983 (13.01.2013), Aol (03.07.2012), HungryDaze (25.03.2013), IronLung (03.07.2012), kayser (03.07.2012), POKEMONыч (03.07.2012)

  3. Collapse Details
    Re: Hidition NT6/NT6 Pro - кастомные многодрайверы из Кореи 
    94851 (0)
    По умолчанию
    Риски, связанные с приобретением NT6/Pro:

    1. Достоверных (не хедфаевских) отзывов о звучании нет.

    2. Обе модели могут запросто не влезть вам в уши, либо будут сильно торчать. Джо в обзоре NT6 пишет, что они торчат у него из уха в нижней части возле мочки.

    Лично меня интересует модель NT-6. Давно хотел иметь референсные наушники в коллекции, и, судя по всему, NT-6 вполне подходят под это определение.

    Сравнения с известными моделями:

    UERM: Both were designed to have flat, reference sound, and they do, with many similar characteristics, but the UERM is more analytical in comparison to the more musical NT-6. The UERM can really let my ears have it in the treble department when playing a not so well mastered track while the NT-6 will let you know the track is less than perfect, but present with more smoothness. With a combination of better clarity, more space, and higher resolution, the NT-6 delivers a more realistic presentation with better transparency that can make the UERM sound smeared and inaccurate in comparison even though the UERM has better forward projection capability.

    The NT-6 bass extends noticeably deeper and can recreate more bass rumble and overall output with songs that call for it, giving a visceral feel at times that is missed with the UERM. Texturing and detail is excellent with both, but the NT-6 has a quicker note on average resulting in a slightly leaner and more defined sound, even though there is more bass output capacity. The midrange of the UERM is placed a little further back than the NT-6, however the NT-6 gives a more spacious presentation along with having better midrange detail, resolution, and clarity. Like with the bass, the NT-6 sounds slightly thinner in note resulting in better clarity and airiness of the presentation, making the UERM sound a bit thicker than the it should in comparison. Treble is slightly more forward with the NT-6 and both taper up, but the treble sounds flatter and is more extended, with the UERM treble sound peaky in comparison.

    While both can be involving and musical, they were designed for a flat and revealing reference sound. The NT-6 gives you more bass depth and weight, higher levels of clarity and detail, and on overall more defined and resolving performance wrapped in a more musical presentation. However, the UERM has a bit thicker sound and will let you know if your master is less than perfect and has better soundstage depth with the ability to project further.

    SE 5-way: Both are in the upper echelon of what I have heard, with a very natural sound and high technical ability. While they are fairly balanced, the NT-6 has a brighter sound with an overall more forward presentation with most songs while the 5-way has more of a bass emphasis and can convey bass power and emotion. The presentation space is large for both and the proportions are very similar, but the 5-way can present a larger overall space and has better depth of space when extreme depth is in a recording. Average note decay is a bit longer with the 5-way, and while the NT-6 is very capable with great attack and decay, the 5-way really shines in this area with the best combination of attack and decay I have heard. This results in the 5-way never sounding slow in comparison with the NT-6, but sometimes the NT-6 sounds slightly too fast in comparison. Both offer great transparency and clarity, however the clarity is different, with the NT-6 offering a very apparent clarity and at first listen I would say the NT-6 has better clarity, but the SE 5-way has equal technical levels of clarity which are achieved through resolution, layers, and ambiance recreating a more "you are there" feel. The 5-way is a little more forgiving of poorly mastered/low bitrate tracks. Source dependence of the NT-6 is less than that of the 5-way, but the 5-way improves more with better sources.

    The 5-way has amazing bass, with the ability to deliver more quantity than anything else I have heard, and in a clean and controlled way. The NT-6 is equally impressive given the sound signature as it has similar headroom even though it doesn’t actually output the same amount of bass as the 5-way. Both have bass that goes down to the deepest registers, both can rumble, and both have great texture. With that being said, the 5-way is a little thicker and warmer and puts more emphasis on the bass than the NT-6. The midrange of both is exceptional and while the 5-way is liquid, smooth, and rich the NT-6 has a similar sense of liquidity, even though there is an analytical nature to the sound. Presentations are fairly close, but the 5-way has a slightly more mid-forward presentation in the lower midrange/vocal area. The upper midrange and above diverge in frequency response as NT-6 has a more forward and emphasized upper midrange and treble leading to a brighter sound while the 5-way pulls that area back a bit and gives better depth of the presentation. Both extend the treble quite a bit and have an air about them, but the NT-6 is a little flatter throughout the treble while the 5-way is better with note attack/decay. Both are smooth and liquid, but since the NT-6 is flatter in frequency response and equal in detail and dynamics, the NT-6 treble rates slightly higher than the 5-way treble. However, Grzegorz (the maker of the 5-way) said my fit issues may be a cause for the less than perfectly flat treble.

    As stated at the beginning of the comparison, these two are very close in overall performance and the NT-6 was the first custom IEM that really technically challenged the 5-way and made me question some aspects of the sound. With the NT-6, you get a very technically capable CIEM that is brighter and more analytical than the 5-way with a thinner overall sound while the 5-way gives you ultimate bass capability when well amped and exceptional attack/decay of notes. But, both offer incredible performance that is extremely enjoyable when not comparing directly.

    JH16: With a similar note presentation, the NT-6 and JH16 share some traits, although frequency response at both ends of the spectrum is not. Both have notes that are on the quick and detailed side, however the NT-6 has a more consistent note across the spectrum while the JH16 seems to thin out a bit in the bass and treble, but is similar to the NT-6 through the midrange. The biggest presentation differences are centered around the recreation of the soundstage as the NT-6 has better focus and clarity as well as more depth and height to the presentation while the JH16 has a bit more width. In comparison, the JH16 lacks the definition of instruments in space as well as placement with all but tracks that don't have much depth/height. Speed is similar between these two and both have very good dynamics and headroom.

    There is no question that the JH16 has enhanced bass in comparison with the NT-6, but it is also presented in a more punchy way which for me is unpleasant with some easy listening tracks such as Yes - It Can Happen. Both recreate the deepest registers and both have very high levels of detail and texturing, however the JH16 has more sub-bass rumble, mainly due to the enhancement, but the NT-6 does recreate sub-bass ruble. I was a bit surprised that the NT-6 bass sounded a good deal more precise and well controlled with bass heavy tracks. Warmth of both is about on par with each other although due to the enhanced vs. flat response there are differences in perceived warmth depending on the track.

    The midrange has the biggest quality difference in the frequency range as the NT-6 midrange tonally sounds flat and accurate in comparison with the JH16 midrange, which sounds like the lower midrange is a little recessed, especially in comparison with the upper mids, which have a tendency for sibilance with female vocals in comparison with the NT-6. Imaging differences are fairly large when there is soundstage depth in a recording, increasing the differences between the midrange. While the JH16 treble is good, the NT-6 treble is a real strong point and has a flatter in-ear response as well as a slightly longer note decay leading to a more natural and sustained note. The midrange of the JH16 does have a liquid quality, but the NT-6 matches that liquidity with more precision and ambiance recreation.

    Aside from the note presentation, these two sound like they are made for different audiences: the JH16 is for someone who wants enhanced bass and listens to today's pop music while the NT-6 is for those who want accuracy and the ability to recreate the imaging in well mastered music. Both have a very wide frequency response and cost about the same so it comes down to music preference and ultimately, use. I could see a stage performer going for the JH16 for the fun sound while a studio engineer would really appreciate the NT-6.
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  4. Collapse Details
    94851 (0)
    По умолчанию
    NT6 Pro:
    корпус - акрил,
    дизайн: shell - transparent black, faceplate - carbon (+$59).

    Вложение 39707Вложение 39708Вложение 39709
    Последний раз редактировалось Frost'IK; 03.07.2012 в 13:35.
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  5. Пользователи, сказавшие Спасибо Frost'IK за полезный пост

    POKEMONыч (03.07.2012)

  6. Collapse Details
    94851 (0)
    По умолчанию
    корпус - акрил,
    дизайн: shell - transparent green, faceplate - custom (+$77)
    Вложение 39710Вложение 39711Вложение 39712
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  7. Collapse Details
    Re: Hidition NT6/NT6 Pro - кастомные многодрайверы из Кореи 
    94851 (0)
    По умолчанию
    корпус - акрилл, носики силиконовые (+$50)
    дизайн - красный и серый(?) полупрозрачный.

    Вложение 39713Вложение 39714Вложение 39715

    Крупно силиконовый носик:
    Вложение 39716


    Вложение 39717
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  8. Collapse Details
    Re: Hidition NT6/NT6 Pro - кастомные многодрайверы из Кореи 
    94851 (0)
    По умолчанию
    Итак, я нацелился на NT6. Технически они похожи на Spiral Ear 5-ways.

    Hidition NT6 Spiral Ear 5-Ways
    драйверы 6 5
    кроссовер 4-полосный 5-полосный
    звуководы 3 5

    Поэтому сразу же возник вопрос, влезут ли мне NT6 в уши, и не будут ли торчать оттуда как бананы.
    Вложение 39726

    Свои сомнения я облёк в форму электрического письма и отправил его в Hidition. Ответили мне через пару дней. Мне любезно предложили выслать слепки ушей в Корею на адрес:
    HIDITION Co., LTD /2F 1601-7 Nakseungdae-dong Gwanak-gu Seoul, south Korea
    / Tel [IMG]chrome://skype_ff_extension/skin/numbers_button_skype_logo.png[/IMG]+82-2-877 4076
    post code 151-835
    там мои слепки посмотрят, и определят подойдут мне NT-6 или нет. Также мне прислали фотку правильных и неправильных слепков:

    Вложение 39725

    На выставке Musica Acoustics Japan Вадим из Ambient Acoustic сделал мне слепки ушей, и на следующий же день, я отправил их в Корею обычной авиапочтой. Ещё примерно через неделю (30.06) трекнулось, что слепки выпущены таможней и дальнейшее отслеживание невозможно.
    Последний раз редактировалось Frost'IK; 03.07.2012 в 14:15.
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  9. Collapse Details
    Re: Hidition NT6/NT6 Pro - кастомные многодрайверы из Кореи 
    По умолчанию
    The NT-6 uses 6 balanced armature drivers in a 4-way configuration (3 crossover points) that utilizes 3 sound tubes in an acrylic shell with a detachable cable. Three BAs are used for the bass, with a CI type BA and a DTEC (dual) providing a good amount of surface area.

    Frost'IK, а что значит здесь 3 crossover points? 4-полосный кроссовер в трехточечном варианте... не точки, видимо здесь тоже имеется ввиду перевод как полоса.
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  10. Collapse Details
    Re: Hidition NT6/NT6 Pro - кастомные многодрайверы из Кореи 
    94851 (0)
    По умолчанию
    Цитата Сообщение от Чекист Посмотреть сообщение
    The NT-6 uses 6 balanced armature drivers in a 4-way configuration (3 crossover points) that utilizes 3 sound tubes in an acrylic shell with a detachable cable. Three BAs are used for the bass, with a CI type BA and a DTEC (dual) providing a good amount of surface area.

    Frost'IK, а что значит здесь 3 crossover points? 4-полосный кроссовер в трехточечном варианте... не точки, видимо здесь тоже имеется ввиду перевод как полоса.
    3 точки разделения формируют 4 полосы. Вспомните школьную арифметику.
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  11. Collapse Details
    Re: Hidition NT6/NT6 Pro - кастомные многодрайверы из Кореи 
    По умолчанию
    Доехали корейцы?
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  12. Collapse Details
    Re: Hidition NT6/NT6 Pro - кастомные многодрайверы из Кореи 
    30288 (0)
    По умолчанию
    Хахаха, название классное: New Tears.

    Я плакал.
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  13. Collapse Details
    Re: Hidition NT6/NT6 Pro - кастомные многодрайверы из Кореи 
    9063 (0)
    По умолчанию
    Цитата Сообщение от Kashtan3 Посмотреть сообщение
    Доехали корейцы?
    была информация, что корейцы выносят мозг и не стоят того что за них просят.
    ATH-2, ТДС-5М
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  14. Collapse Details
    Re: Hidition NT6/NT6 Pro - кастомные многодрайверы из Кореи 
    30288 (0)
    По умолчанию
    Оправдали название в полной мере.
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  15. Collapse Details
    Re: Hidition NT6/NT6 Pro - кастомные многодрайверы из Кореи 
    По умолчанию
    Цитата Сообщение от Aol Посмотреть сообщение
    была информация, что корейцы выносят мозг и не стоят того что за них просят.
    Просьба дать ссылку, по поиску ничего не нашел.
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  16. Collapse Details
    Re: Hidition NT6/NT6 Pro - кастомные многодрайверы из Кореи 
    9063 (0)
    ATH-2, ТДС-5М
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  17. Пользователи, сказавшие Спасибо Aol за полезный пост

    Kashtan3 (25.06.2013)

  18. Collapse Details
    Re: Hidition NT6/NT6 Pro - кастомные многодрайверы из Кореи 
    По умолчанию
    Hidition NT 6 и в этом рейтинге согнали с лидерского места Мираклы.
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