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    Re: Cayin N3 Pro 
    14805 (0)
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    Ещё немного интересной инфы от Энди:

    Yes, we have installed a glass panel in front of the JAN6418, you can see the tube filament glowing when you use the DAP at a slightly dark environment.

    The tube are NOT user replaceable. You need to send the DAP back to factory. The tube are not expensive, it is cheaper then a lot of IC components in the DAP, the labour , logistic and tax consequence are the major cost items, the overall cost will be very much similar to replacing a LDO or a pair of power filter capacitors.

    I understand your concern on the product life of vacuum tube. We all know vacuum tubes in power amplifier or headphone amplifiers are consumers and some of them are having a relative short life time of several thousand hours only. That actually depends on how you use the vacuum tube, i.e., the voltage and current that go through the tube. In the case of N3Pro, the JAN6418 is used as a buffer only, there is no power amplification involved, so we are using it at a much lower current that other field applications. We didn't perform actual test on the DAP, but base on stimulation, at the current voltage and current setting, we estimate the JAN6418 can sustain in N3Pro for 30,000 to 50,000 hours.

    The noise floor on 3.5mm Tube Timbre are indeed higher then SE3.5mm Single-ended and 4.4mm Balanced. I am reluctant to describe the background noise problem because it is subjective and related to music content and ambient environments. It really doesn't mean anything when I told you it don't affect my listening. If you are using very sensitive IEM and worried about the background noise, please wait till reviews from reputable source or user impression in this forum.

    - В темноте, при нагреве, лампы будут видны через лицевую стеклянную панель под экраном (ляпота )
    - Средняя жизнь ламп будет 30-50 тыс.часов
    - Замена ламп только через отправку Cayinовцам (ну разве что вы мастер, то на свой страх и риск). Сами лампы недорогие, дороже обойдётся доставка
    - Чувствительные ухи лучше не слушать в лампо-режиме ибо, да, шумный он
    Ответить с цитированием

  2. Пользователи, сказавшие Спасибо Kauen за полезный пост

    RomanA1981 (06.08.2020)

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