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    Re: CEntrance Hi-Fi M8 V2 
    Восточная окраина
    11229 (0)
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    есть немного инсайдерской инфы по сравнению с некотороми плеерами от Ларри, он же HeadphoneAddict. Чуть позже скопипастю
    вобщем, помимо того, что он и так довольно подробн орасписал на хэдфае, я лично с ним пообщался на предмет сравнений с плеерами и вообще тем, что у него есть из источников.
    Вот выборочно цитирую его:

    "The only DAP I have under $1000 is really a $1500 HiFiMan HM-901s, which isn't quite as good although much better than an iPhone with lightning adapter. My older HiFiMan HM-602 hasn't been plugged in for years and probably wouldn't even power up if the battery has failed for not being charged in years. But the M8 V2 would walk all over the HM-602.

    Other than those, my only other DAP is the HiFiMan R2R2000 version black, which may also not be as good as the M8 V2. See my RMAF 2019 Impressions for my R2R2000 vs Astell and Kern SP1000m with dual AK4497EQ DACs - the R2R2000 is as good as a $2500 A&K, and the M8 V2 produces sound on a similar level. Imagine the warm sounding R2R2000 having more ambience, air and space, and you get the M8 v2.

    The M8 V2 is a little warmer, smoother, and more refined or sophisticated sounding than most of my USB DACs that can be used with an iPhone or MacBook Pro - such as CEntrance's M8 v1, DACmini, BlueDAC, or DACportable, which themselves are known to be warmer than some brighter sounding DAC/amps such as the Nuprime Audio Hi-mDAC, Encore MDAC and MDSD, or Fiio BTR-5.

    While being warm and smooth it's also definitely NOT dark and veiled either - it's able to keep the HD-800 and HD-800s from sounding shrill or edgy - giving them good body and bass foundation while showing off the excellent micro-detail, air, and space of the HD-800. And yet it can take a more veiled sounding headphone like the HD600 or HD-6XX via the 4-pin XLR output and make them sound like a $1000 headphone.

    It reminds me a lot of the Luxman P1u $3000 desktop amp that I reviewed about 10 years ago - amazing with HD-800, and most other headphones, despite being a SS amp. Everything just sounds more organic and lifelike with the M8 V2, without losing any detail, ambience, imaging or soundstage. I might even like it with HD800 more than the Sennheiser HDV820 that was made for them (I'd need to hear them side by side).

    The HiFi M8 V2 with an iPhone might be better than my R2R2000 and HM901 DAPs in many ways (detail and space), but it's slightly less forgiving with bad recordings than the R2R2000 because it is so resolving. However, in comparison the M8 V2 makes the R2R2000 sound darker and more closed-in in rapid A-B switching between them with the same song and headphones.

    The R2R2000 is one DAP that I have raved about for years, since I got it upon release, But, if given a choice I'd rather have the M8 V2 to pair with an iPhone, to use with BT and USB audio (with camera connection kit). And this is from someone who thought the R2R2000 DAP was a match made in heaven for the HE-1000se. (R2R2000 is also very nice with the HD-800 via the 4.4mm balanced out).

    The M8 v2 could honestly be the only DAC/amp I own in the house. Although my PS Audio Perfectwave DAC Mk2 is a better DAC, I'm not sure than my $3000 Eddie Current ZDT amp is any better. I'd love it if I could have feed the balanced PS Audio DAC into the M8 v2 amp to try, but alas it must be used with it's own DAC.

    ALSO, in my review in the CEntrance M8 V2 thread, I noted that the extra warmth was maybe a little much for the JH Audio 16 Pro freqphase, and the HD-6XX. With everything else it was great, and still not too dark with HD600 nor too bright with HD800.

    Last Note - I have played with the Sony Walkman WM1Z for 24 hours in February (pre-covid) while putting lossless music onto a 128GB SD card for Karl at Westone, and I loved it most (other than the hefty size, weight, and price).
    From memory of its sound I can't say that the Walkman was better than the iPhone 11 Pro Max + M8 V2 and camera connection kit - not without having a chance to do a side by side comparison, but the M8 V2 is so good that I think it would give the Walkman a run for it's money.

    Ну и по блюпупу мой вопрос о том, не слишком ли смелые надежды я на него возлагаю:
    Read my last part 4 of the review, where I talk about Bluetooth. It's pretty damn close to wired.

    итого имеем его субъективное мнение о том, что сабж не хуже SP1000M, R2R2000, WM1Z, а местами и лучше. Блюпуп с его хитрыми фишками по апскелинги и апклокингу практически также звучит как и провод.
    Последний раз редактировалось Snly84; 18.06.2020 в 00:02.
    DAC: Centrance m8.2
    DAP: hiby r2
    IEM/HPH: Snowy A7, Centrance Ceren db
    CAB: гибрид от Олега
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  2. Следующие 2 пользователей сказали Спасибо за этот полезный пост

    1145rs (18.07.2020), nsk1979 (17.06.2020)

  3. Collapse Details
    Re: CEntrance Hi-Fi M8 V2 
    1795 (0)
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    Цитата Сообщение от Snly84 Посмотреть сообщение
    итого имеем его субъективное мнение о том, что сабж не хуже SP1000M, R2R2000, WM1Z, а местами и лучше. Блюпуп с его хитрыми фишками по апскелинги и апклокингу практически также звучит как и провод.
    В чем же там фишки с блютузом - что он прямо почти как по проводу звучит ?
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  4. Collapse Details
    Re: CEntrance Hi-Fi M8 V2 
    Восточная окраина
    11229 (0)
    По умолчанию
    Цитата Сообщение от nsk1979 Посмотреть сообщение
    В чем же там фишки с блютузом - что он прямо почти как по проводу звучит ?
    говорится про upsampling and upclocking. С первым понятно, что такое второе я не знаю.
    Конечно, не один в один, но вроде как близко, по мнению Ларри, а он это все на топовых ушах слушал. Да и Гудман пяткой в грудь колотит на офсайте, тоже самое декларирует. Про какой-то там балансный блютус. С другой стороны, почему они LDAC зажали, который вроде как уже халявный стал, я не понимаю.
    DAC: Centrance m8.2
    DAP: hiby r2
    IEM/HPH: Snowy A7, Centrance Ceren db
    CAB: гибрид от Олега
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