Customers and Backers,

Its time for a Trinity update and this one is pretty packed with info!

Master and Icarus III

Thank you to all of you that have provided feedback on the Master and Icarus III so far, its always great to hear such positive feedback. For those that have not received their Icarus III, all UK, EU and rest of the world Icarus III have been shipped and there us just a handful of USA order left that will ship on Monday.

Discount codes

Well as many of you know we recently announced the stopping of our discount codes and our headphone (Phoenix) is our last big pre-order discount. We have been listening and many think this unfair or silly but the reality is that as Trinity has grown and so have the costs and offering such huge discounts does not work for the future of Trinity. Having said that the Head-Fi discount code will stay in effect for the foreseeable future and we will issue a special code for backers shortly offering the same discount as members.

Now lets answer some pre-order/kickstarter questions like, where is my Phantom Air, Master 6, Hunter, Delta or Atlas Delta?!

We have shipped 928 Hunters globally leaving just 72 left to finishing building and ship (will ship within 21 days)
We have shipped 792 Master 6 (pre order and kickstarter) globally leaving 208 left to finish and ship (will ship within 21 days)
We have only 58 Delta to ship and have emailed those 58 offering upgrade options
We have only 176 Atlas Delta upgrades to ship and should take less than a week to ship
We have shipped the updated Phantom Air to select backers for testing and evaluation and all reports are now back and we will begin shipping again once all updated units are back from our manufacturing partner which will take 7-10 days from today.

What happened to the customer service?

Many of you may have seen a dramatic dip in customer service. Sadly as many of us have been concentrating on various other aspects such as shipping and manufacturing we had taken our eye off the ball and allowed a customer service staff member to get away with exceptionally low standards of service and has caused huge issues of concern for some customers (as well as our selves). This staff member has now been removed permanently from customer service and Kieran is now taking over his role. Kieran has been doing an amazing job with his friendly yet brutally honest manner but he does have a little catching up to do as he works his way through the other staff members emails.

What else is news worthy?

Behind the scenes there has been many things going on. First of all lets Welcome Dan Nundra as the new head manager of Trinity Audio. Dan comes with years of experience in the Audio industry with his last appointment at one of the worlds most renowned audio manufacturers.

This appointment also marks the end of another. Bob was Trinity’s lead designer from the beginning and helped shape the sound and design style of Trinity. Bobs last day is officially 31st July but has agreed to stay on for 4 weeks to help with any hand over to Dan. Bob has asked us to convey this message to you all.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed being part of Trinity and making people smile with new audio gear, my only goal has always been about bringing as much audio enjoyment as possible. Along this journey I have learnt many things not only about audio but about myself. I cannot imagine ever leaving the audio game but it was time for me to make some big changes to my working and personal life. I have lived and breathed Trinity as the head design engineer but its time to move on. I wish Trinity all the best for the future and hope to see many of the amazing customers around at shows and events in the future”

So thats all for now and as you can see from above we are almost back on track. We have had some major mountains to climb over these past 6 months and feel positive about the future.

Thank you to all our supporters who have weathered the storm with us and its great to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Thank you

Trinity Audio
UNIT 2.02 DE BRADELEI MILL Chapel St, Belper, DE56 1AR, United Kingdom

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