Things have been upcoming up none stop. users have been asking if it is possible or not to have he D2+ Firmware installed on the D2. guess what? it is! look HERE from to get all the info.

Note for Windows Vista users: i have found out that tcctool still doesn't work and is unable to find the D2 while accepting to upgrade. reboot PC and hit F8 before vista boot logo appears. there will be several options. select "Disable driver signature enforcement" and that should allow you to upgrade to D2+ no problem. you'll have to do this again if you ever want to revert back to D2 3.xx or 2.xx Regular Firmware.

Here is my guide i created. the OP there corrected his mistakes but i find mine a lot easier to go through.

Simple step by Furr

-Download Tcctool ('Save As' to C:\) where you see Program Files, Etc. (please Download the D2+ Firmware 2.02 or 3.02 and copy/paste the Files to the tcctool Folder in C:\)

-DOWNLOAD 2.59 Firmware and copy/paste the d2N.bin File from Folder 0 to the Root of D2 then disconnect and turn on "wait for progress to complete then reconnect while Holding the Menu Button" (Screen will be blank but D2 Will be on)

-Windows will ask to install and find new Drivers for Hardware. Simply cancel and Navigate to Hardware Manager under Control Panel then find the New Hardware and right-click then Update Driver Software (There'll be a option to locate Drivers Manually) then Navigate to the tcctool Folder then the tcctool-driver-win32 Folder and click ok!

-Now open CMD by going to Start|Accessories|Command Prompt input cd C:\tcctool then tcctool -d cowond2 d2n_p.bin then ENTER
(Note: Firmware will NOT be fully installed!)

-Now Navigate to ROOT of D2 Delete all Folders and then copy/paste d2n_p.bin to ROOT "Disconnect then Reconnect WHILE STILL Holding Menu Button putting it into Boot Mode"

-Now open CMD again and re-input the same command cd C:\tcctool then tcctool -d cowond2 d2n_p.bin and now it'll be fully installed

-Now Disconnect and Reconnect like normal without Holding any Buttons. Copy/paste the RS and FT Files to ROOT. Disconnect then turn on unit. wait for progress for updating to complete and shut off! you are DONE and 100% ready to go and have fun!!!

HOW-TO Get back to the Regular Firmware

-Download Firmware 2.xx or 3.xx or whichever
-Copy/paste the D2N.bin File from Folder 0 to the tcctool Folder
-Connect the D2 WHILE Holding the Menu Button to put in Boot Mode
-Open CMD and input cd C:\tcctool then tcctool -d cowond2 d2n.bin ENTER. now Navigate to ROOT and delete the Folders and copy/paste the D2N.bin File from Folder 0 of the Firmware you'll be using.

-Unplug D2 then reconnect while STILL Holding Menu Button for Boot Mode. Open CMD then input command tcctool -d cowond2 d2n.bin and then the D2 will be fully formatted (you'll need to disconnect the D2 then reconnect in order for Windows to detect the D2 again) and you can proceed to install the Firmware as normal without Holding any Buttons

HOW-TO install D2+ Firmware without tcctool


^Updated few minor corrections please re-download

uploaded a video via Youtube

Updated Let me know what else is missing and if anything needs to be corrected!