Один чел написал на форуме: I got to listen to the KSE1500 yesterday. I didn't really have any high expectations for it but boy was I wrong... it sounded much worse than I had expected. Bright, lifeless, anemic. I thought something might have been broken so I tried it in several setups but the results were all the same. EQ'ing didn't help much either. I don't understand the hype surrounding this IEM other than the fact that it's crazy expensive and people tend to get overhyped about pricey shit they can't afford, especially if it's something electrostatic. (Orph... *cough cough*) Honestly, I think my JH13 Pro--which I no longer own--sounded better to my ears.

Вся эта возня вокруг сабжа похожа на ту ситуацию, когда кто-то купил за бешенные деньги эти ухи, послушал и и только потом понял, как он лоханулся. И потом, чтобы не быть лохом-одиночкой, начал хвалить свое приобретение. И пошла цепная реакция